This past weekend the subject of a woman's place was raised while me and my family were helping one of my friends move out of their apartment, being the most domesticated out of my siblings (I'm the only male) so we had a pretty decent discussion on that topic. One of my relatives is a self proclaimed feminist, and I never really did get the whole feminist mind set, seems kinda sexist to me and they have done things that have defied logic I.E The Bra was invented by a woman in the 1920s to make getting dressed easier for women, 50 or so years later women burned them to show how they felt oppression by men?? I needless to say am not a feminist and I don't quite believe in equal rights, I'm on the autistic spectrum so by personal experience not everybody is the same so I'm very much a believer in the special independent needs of an individual. In the Bible (you non Bible readers stay with me for a sec) the ground work has already been done when God created Man he made him to take on the role as Husband: A caretaker of the home and family therein, and God also created Woman and made her to be the Wife a help meet to the husband. Two questions then can be asked Where is a Man's Place? Where is a Woman's Place? They were both created to be a part in this universe so they both have a place and a duty in this world. Going by the Bible a Man's place is to take care of the home and to help his family in this life and a woman is to help out the man. My answer to the questions are the same WHERE THEY ARE BEST SUITED we all have our strengths and weaknesses so we need to cover each other's weak points and cut out all this Man vs Woman stuff.
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